Crate onejoker

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§wiki | A library for handling playing cards and card games.

Last updated November 22, 2024

This crate is part of the OneJoker project to create free software for handling playing cards and card games in general, and many poker variants in particular.

Lee Daniel Crocker


use onejoker::prelude::*;

fn main() -> OjResult<()> {
    let game = Scale::by_name("high-hand");
    let mut deck = game.new_deck().shuffled();
    let hand1 = deck.new_hand().init(deck.draw(5));
    let hand2 = deck.new_hand().init(deck.draw(5));

    println!("Player 1: [{}], Player 2: [{}]", hand1, hand2);

    let v1 = game.value(&hand1);
    let v2 = game.value(&hand2);

    if v1 < v2 {
        let d = game.description(&hand1, v1);
        println!("Player 1 wins with [{}] ({})", d.hand, d.full_text());
    } else if v1 > v2 {
        let d = game.description(&hand2, v2);
        println!("Player 2 wins with [{}] ({})", d.hand, d.full_text());
    } else {
        let d = game.description(&hand1, v1);
        println!("Players tie with ({})", d.full_text());

This should produce output similar to:

Player 1: [TcTd6sQdAh], Player 2: [6d2d9c2s9h]
Player 2 wins with [9h9c2s2d6d] (nines and deuces with a six)

Some things to note: we begin by choosing a game. The Scale type represents the various way poker hands can be compared against each other. The “high-hand” scale is for traditional high poker hands: pair, two pair, trips, etc. Other options include “ace-to-five” low hands, “deuce-to-seven” low hands, “pai gow”, “badugi”, and others. By choosing the game first and creating the deck from it, the system will ensure that the correct deck of cards is chosen.

The deck is then created with game.new_deck().shuffled(), which creates a deck suitable for the chosen game and gives it an initial shuffle. Hands are then created from the deck with deck.new_hand(), and initialized with cards from the deck with .init(deck.draw(5)). Decks and Hands can be created independently of a game, but then you will have to specify what type of deck to use: (e.g. let d = Deck::new(DeckType::English);) and which function to call for evaluating hands (e.g. ojp_high_value(&hand)).

Each Scale contains an value() function that computes a number that can be used to compare hands–smaller number is better. If you want more information about the hand that just who wins, you can use the scale’s description() function to create a structure that has more information. Here we use it to print the hand and its text description.



  • Make const Card object from string. For example, card!("Ac") is equivalent to the constant ACE_OF_CLUBS.
  • Make const array of Card objects from string literals. For example, hand!("Ac", "2d", "3h") is equivalent to [ACE_OF_CLUBS, DEUCE_OF_DIAMONDS, TREY_OF_HEARTS].