Module onejoker::cards

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§wiki | Non-game-specific card handling

This module contains all the sub-modules that are not specific to any particular game—types like Card and Deck and the card constants like JACK_OF_CLUBS.

§Cards in text

Cards are recorded to and retrieved from text (such as the JSONC files above) using the popular convention: Each card is a 2-letter abbreviation with a one-letter uppercase rank and a one-letter lowercase suit. Ranks are 2, 3, … 9, T, J, Q, K, and A. Suits are c, d, h, and s. This format is used in lots of data files of card games around the net, such as PHH ( poker hand history format. “AsKsQsJsTs” is a royal flush, for example. I also recognize C for knight/cavalier, Jk for joker, Jb for the black/uncolored joker in games that distinguish between them, and Jw for the third “white” joker. Whitespace between cards is ignored, but is not allowed between rank and suit. It is never produced on output. We can also produce Unicode suit symbols and single-code cards, which may come in handy for producing documentation.


